Who am I?

I am a multi-faceted being. I am a creatrix, practicing witch specializing in ancestral and herbal magick, an oracle via waking life and the dream realm, intuitive energy healer, medicine woman, certified herbalist, sacral embodiment coach and primal movement instructor, fend shui guide, student of astrology, and alchemical apprentice, my path of healing others started with my own journey of self realization and growth about 13 years ago in arizona.

I ALWAYS KNEW I WAS DIFFERENT. I WAS VERY GOOD AT SENSING ENERGETIC SHIFTS, WAS A MAGNET TO PEOPLE TELLING ME THEIR LIFE STORIES, HAD ALWAYS HAD VIVID DREAMS AND A KNOWING THAT I WASN’T QUITE SURE WHAT TO DO WITH. WHEN I MOVED TO ARIZONA IN MY EARLY TWENTIES, i was going through an awakening and could feel my gifts starting to become more prevalent. i remember a specific occasion that rocked me when i was working in a laboratory setting as a dental assistant. i was cleaning tools at the sterilization station thinking about a vivid dream i had about my grandmother the night before. i was alone. suddenly I heard a faint whisper SAY LISTEN and smelled her perfume waft by me. i stood there and closed my eyes seeing a flash of her red lipstick(that was her signature) and felt my whole body tingle. from thAT MOMENT I WENT DOWN A RABBIT HOLE OF RESEARCH AND STARTED ACTIVELY PAYING ATTENTION TO THINGS AROUND ME. I REALIZED I HAD BEEN RECEIVING MESSAGES AND PINGS FOR SOME TIME. one day i wandered into a healing center and metaphysical shop and from that point on i was in a state of unfolding. i quickly sunk into the energetic pull of the community and eventually was led by spirit to start working with MY GIFTS AND SOON THEREAFTER plants. i always had an affinity to nature, to foraging and realized the soft whisper i heard when i touched them was their spirit and medicine making themselves known to me. I WAS VERY GOOD AT CREATING INTUITIVE BLENDS AND EVENTUALLY DECIDED TO GET MY HERBALISM CERTIFICATION. THIS LED TO ME CRAFTING COMBINATIONS BASED OFF OF THEIR SPIRITUAL AND MEDICINAL FUNCTIONS AND I FOUND I REALLY ENJOYED DOING THIS FOR OTHERS AFTER DOING ENERGY READS ON THEM. THE PLANTS WERE THE GATEWAY TO A LOT OF THE OTHER MODALITIES I WORK WITH AND I LOVE UTILIZING THEM IN EVERYTHING I DO BECAUSE THEY TRULY ARE BEAUTIFUL GIFTS AND TEACHERS.

ABOUT 7 YEARS AGO I BECAME VERY INTERESTED IN ANCESTRAL WORK WHICH HAS LED ME TO COME IN CLOSE RELATIONSHIP WITH DIVINATORY METHODS OF COMMUNING WITH THEM AND PERFORMING RITUAL MAGICK TO INVOKE THEIR PRESENCE. DURING SOME DEEP SACRAL HEALING WORK I WAS DOING PERSONALLY AND a deep dive into practices that would be helpful in moving energy after i was doing healing sessions and channeling which led me to primal movement and sacral embodiment. it also brought me into a deeper communion with my ancestors which was a win all around and through their guidance became a practitioner-tying in the planets and the herbs to make it a full circle experience for the souls i work with.

being a sag dominant manifesting generator i decided to get my feng shui certification, am currently in my alchemical apprenticeship, getting my astrology certification, somatic technique certification and working on my bachelors in herbalism. as i have continued my devotion to my ancestors and the plants, it has led me on a journey with divine plant and earth medicine. i have found a deeper connection with myself and gifts through these majestic teachers and slipped into past lives that course through my blood and bring me into a closer communion with myself and the energetics around me. i am in relationship closely and serve these medicines humbly and gratefully as a conduit to their wisdom. some of these medicines include kambo, psilocybin, cacao, and rape’ (hapeh). i live a life of service as i have in so many other lifetimes. it is a passion to bring the magick out in others by being an embodiment of it through everything i do. i strive to inspire ritual in every breath, action, and word, with the intention of invoking empowerment and self realization from my soul to yours.